Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Palazeti Family

Still catching up on blogposts over here from the fall insanity!  But the colors are gorgeous and I can almost feel that sunshine as I look out my window at the snow slowing accumulating. So I hope you don't mind riding down memory lane with me back to October. 

I met up with the Palazeti family right before their gender reveal party.  To say that their family was excited would be an understatement- which was totally understandable! Their two little girls were very patient through their pictures while they were anxiously awaiting to find out if they would have a little brother or sister joining their family.  We snapped these photographs at Booth Park in Birmingham and then wondered downtown Birmingham to find a few industrial looking backgrounds.  Still one of my favorite locations! Thank you for letting me capture a few images of your family before you grow by one more, Palezeti family! 

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