Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Casey's Senior Pictures

I am loving shooting seniors more and more with each session.  These students come in for their shoots and they are so caring, thoughtful and confident.  I am seriously so impressed with these high schoolers.  Casey was no exception- she had the most awesome sense of style and was so fun to work with.  Her mom came along for the shoot and the dynamic between the duo was unbeatable. Moms seriously are the best.

We met at Milford Central Park at the peak of fall colors.  We spent the evening wondering around downtown and then headed into the park to finish up the session.  Casey had no fear when I told her, "okay you can totally say no to this, but I have a little idea."  She followed right along and got right into the icy river to finish off her session. Thanks for being a trooper, Casey! Best of luck to you as you finish out your senior year and make plans for the future! 

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