Thursday, January 28, 2016

Vondrasek Family

I cannot get enough of going back and reliving all of the wonderful outdoor shoots from this past year.  It was such an honor to photograph so many families and to be able to freeze time for a few moments that can be treasured for years to come. The Vondraseks did their shoot at the very popular Milford Central Park- I mean what is not to love about this location.  Their two little ones were about as sweet as they come.  Their little girl kept grabbing my hand while we wondered around downtown (melt my heart!)  I am just saying- can't you see this beautiful family on the cover of a magazine?!? Thanks so much for letting me capture the joy in your family, Vondraseks!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Casey's Senior Pictures

I am loving shooting seniors more and more with each session.  These students come in for their shoots and they are so caring, thoughtful and confident.  I am seriously so impressed with these high schoolers.  Casey was no exception- she had the most awesome sense of style and was so fun to work with.  Her mom came along for the shoot and the dynamic between the duo was unbeatable. Moms seriously are the best.

We met at Milford Central Park at the peak of fall colors.  We spent the evening wondering around downtown and then headed into the park to finish up the session.  Casey had no fear when I told her, "okay you can totally say no to this, but I have a little idea."  She followed right along and got right into the icy river to finish off her session. Thanks for being a trooper, Casey! Best of luck to you as you finish out your senior year and make plans for the future! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Biagioli Family

Hello beautiful snow!  I know you just may catch me complaining about the cold every now and again, but when it gives you a backdrop like this one it is clearly something to celebrate! The Biagioli Family and I intended on doing a fall shoot, but when our first snowstorm hit, that fall session turned into a winter session.  We went with it and I am so glad we did! I am looking forward to shooting more snowy family shoots this winter for those who are willing to brave the cold.  Thanks for enduring cold toes (and hands and noses . . . ) and thinking warm thoughts, Biagioli Family! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Dana + Dave

It is so hard to sum up in a short blog post all of the images that were captured during a wedding day.  There are the details, the unexpected emotions captured in the camera, the portraits, speeches, dances, and the list goes on and on.  I have to pinch myself a little bit when I think about how lucky I am to share in all of these moments with a bride and groom.  

Dave and Dana's wedding was an absolute stunner.  Each detail was so carefully planned and realized throughout the day.  I attended college with the couple so it was an extra bonus for me that I got to catch up with old friends and laugh and share the day with fellow Brits.  Their ceremony and reception was held at Westmoreland Country Club outside of Chicago, Illinois.  The grounds were gorgeous and set the perfect backdrop for Dave and Dana's late summer wedding. 

While the entire day was perfect, I have two favorite moments that I just have to share. The first was the couple's first look.  They were so anxious and excited to see each other.  That one moment before they saw each other for the first time on their wedding day was filled with so much love and anticipation. I felt so honored to be a bystander watching all of the love between the two of them.  My other favorite moment had to be on the dance floor. It was the best mix of different generations just busting a move together. The couple had an awesome band that kept the party going late into the night. 

Thank you so much for including me in your day, Dave and Dana. It was a true honor to capture the memories and to get to know all of the people that celebrated with you. Cheers to a life of happiness and endless celebration together!