Monday, November 30, 2015

Baligian Family

I am going to just take a moment to welcome myself back to the blog! Hey, everyone! I have been so busy editing photo shoots and trying to get them back to families in a timely manner that I have been completely ignoring this little space. So I am back and I am going to try and share lots of the amazing photo shoots from the past few months. First up . . . the Baligian family!

The Baligian family is ridiculously sweet and caring and I couldn't be more grateful that I was able to capture a few images of them together.   We met at Booth Park in Birmingham and were able to snap a few photographs of their active little ones while exploring the park. And can we talk about the green trees and short sleeves- already missing that! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Mazzorana Family

Not only do I love getting a chance to hang out with the Mazzorana Family, but they always pick the best locations for their annual summer photo shoots.  This year they suggested Blossom Heath in St. Clair Shores and it was gorgeous.   If the location has a willow tree just sign me up! We met late in the evening when the sun was just about to set and explored the park with their two adventurous boys. Thanks for an evening of laughs and catching up, Mazzorana Family!