Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 Highlights: Part 2

My husband, Ted, and I have this joke that 2014 was our year for Europe and that 2015 was our year for National Parks. Neither year did we intend for this to happen, it just sort of did.  We started with one visit to a National Park and then we just got inspired and knocked a whole bunch of them off of our bucket list in 2015.  I am so blessed to have a husband that loves travel as much as I do. We have seen some amazing places together and had unforgettable experiences around the globe. Below are a few highlights from our adventures in 2015.

Snowshoeing the ice caves on Lake Superior.
An impromptu trip to New Orleans a few weeks before Mardi Gras.
Our first time fly fishing, which quickly led to our second trip fly fishing.
A weeklong backpacking trip in the Porcupine Mountains and a road trip to Copper Harbor.
Checking off over 20 Michigan lighthouses from our list to visit.
Two weeks spent wondering the west in a pop up camper that included stops at Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands, Devil's Tower, Yellowstone, Jackson Hole and the Teton Mountains. 
A week in Sedona hiking the Red Rocks. 
A birthday celebration in Savannah.

We certainly mastered the art of road tripping in 2015. If you are wondering it involves lots of snacks, an endless stream of podcasts, an overload of Diet Mountain Dew (for the driver) and plenty of pillows (for the passenger!)  I can't wait to see where 2016 takes us! 

Monday, December 28, 2015

2015 Highlights: Part 1

I know, I know, everyone is saying it- but seriously, where did 2015 go?! It feels like just yesterday we were trying to schedule fall mini sessions.  Now I am over here just trying to get caught up on blog posts and creating backgrounds for indoor shoots and it is time for the annual yearly roundup. So here it is, a few of my favorite photographs from 2015!

This year has been such a great one for this little business of mine.  It marked my first full year of full time employment with Caryn Ashley Photography. I met more wonderful families than I ever imagined over this year. God continued to provide through the uncertainty and for that I could not be more grateful. I photographed at new locations, traveled out of state for my first destination wedding, learned what it felt like to be over my head in pictures waiting to be edited and loved every moment of googling the silliest questions about owning a small business. It was a year of personal growth that I will always remember.

Thank you for entrusting me with capturing these memories for your family. It is an honor to spend time getting to know you and thank you for sharing these moments with me throughout the year. You all are uniquely wonderful and I am so grateful to know you.  I am already looking forward to reconnecting in 2016 and capturing more memories together.  Sending lots of hugs your way!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Connor's Senior Pictures

The seniors I have had the pleasure of working with this year have seriously been the greatest.  I met Connor and his family at Milford Central Park to snap some photographs to commemorate his upcoming graduation. I had met Connor years ago when I photographed his family, but I certainly did not recognize this senior, all grown up Connor. 

My favorite part of the shoot had to be watching Connor in his natural element when he brought out his drum.  He is seriously talented, you guys.  He had a few ideas in mind for photographs and then he just played and totally forgot I was there- it was awesome. Congratulations, Connor and best of luck wherever the future takes you!