Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 Highlights: Part 2

Oh the places we have visited this year!  On the top of both of our bucket lists was to spend a month backpacking Europe. The opportunity to cross this item off our list arose in the time between Ted's graduation and receiving his certifications to begin working.  On a whim we booked a flight and set out on building a loose itinerary for our month in Europe.  Since that month we have returned to Europe again for another 10 days and checked a whole lot more things off of our bucket list. Some including . . .

Drink a beer at Oktoberfest in Munch
Go on a gondola ride in Venice
See the Eiffel Tower
Plan an impromptu vacation and leave that week
Visit Rome
Drink a glass of wine in a Tuscan hill town
Bike across the Golden Gate Bridge
Lock up a love lock and throw away the key

2014 you certainly grew my love for adventure!

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