Thursday, June 25, 2015

Kiafoulis Family

I know it sounds like I am a broken record, but my favorite part of this job is getting to see families every year. I love to see how their kids have grown, chat about their newest hobbies and sports and just catch up with clients who seem to become friends over the years.  The Kiafoulis family is one of those clients. Each year we meet for their shoot and it feels more like chatting with old friends than work.  And it sure doesn't hurt that their family is stunning- makes my job so easy!  So great to see you all, Kiafoulis family!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Baby Brody

I met sweet little Brody for his newborn photographs when he was just over a week old.  He was wide awake for most of the shoot, but was so good. I don't think I heard him cry one time the whole afternoon! I love those big, baby eyes in most of his photos. And once he did fall into a little nap we were able to snap a few sleepy photographs, too. Enjoy, Hall family! 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Van Proeyen Family

The Van Proeyen family e-mailed me a month or so ago to set up their mini session.  They mentioned we had worked together in the past, but I simply couldn't put a face to the name.  Once I saw them at the park I immediately remembered splashing in the river with them a few years ago when their girls were toddlers- now they were just that, little girls! We got so lucky with the lighting, it was that perfect time of the evening when the sun shines through the trees just so, casting gorgeous rays down on everything. I hope you love these images as much as I do, Van Proeyen family!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Baby Jake + Family

When I met up with the Brown family last summer for a shoot they asked me to keep a big secret. They wanted to photograph their son in a 'big bro' shirt, but no one knew they were expecting yet! They used the photographs to share the news with family and friends, and now the newest member of their family is here. It was such a privilege to meet Jake and see Owen interact with his new baby brother. And since the family has a thing for vintage cars we had to end the shoot with baby Jake in his very own Corvette. This guy is already too cool for his own good!