Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Moore Family

I met up with the Moore family in Kensington Park for their family shoot.  We had a wonderful afternoon exploring the park and enjoying the changing leaves.  The weather cooperated this day so we were able to take our time during the shoot without having anyone freeze- a blessing for a late October shoot in Michigan! Thank you for spending the afternoon with me Moore family and I hope you enjoy the photographs as much as I do! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Wilson Family

I was able to meet up with the Wilson family at Oakland University Golf Course on a beautiful fall evening.  I come from a big family so I loved watching the group of siblings, all grown up, still tease and share inside jokes with each other. We had a wonderful time exploring and sharing plenty of smiles.  They made my job far too easy- I mean look how beautiful this family is! Enjoy Wilson family!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Maki Family

I met the Makis for a mini session in Milford Central Park.  Their twins were so fun to work with.  You could tell from their interactions that they truly are best friends.  When I asked them to give each other a hug there were no "ews" or "ughs" just a simple okay, hug and smiles . . . love it!  Enjoy Maki Family!