Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mazzorana Family

Every summer I am lucky enough to spend an evening with this family and it is always filled with laughter and so much fun.  These two little guys are so friendly and make my job extremely easy. They are more than willing to help make everyone smile for the pictures- even if that means tickling me! This year we spent the evening on Belle Isle which was absolutely beautiful- it may have become my new favorite photo shoot location!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Playing Dress Up

We have been talking about taking these photographs of my sweet niece for awhile and I am so glad we finally found an evening to fit them in.  I had photographed a couple on their wedding day in this same field last summer and we were on a mission to find this beautiful tree up on a hill in Kensington.  After some searching we spotted it and hiked up the hill with this little gal's mom's wedding dress in hand.  We had so much fun playing dress up as the sun slowly sank behind the hill creating the perfect light.  There were lots of giggles and smiles as Aubrin tried on her mom's wedding dress- such a fun evening. The plan is to keep these photographs and share them with Aubrin on her wedding day!

Moms and their littles, so much love.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fox Family

Each summer I get to meet with the Fox family for their annual family pictures.  They always pick the most beautiful locations and we have a wonderful time exploring.  This year we explored downtown Northville for their photographs.  During our time together the three Fox kids always make me laugh when they want to hold my hand as we cross the street or they ask me little sweet little questions about my summer.  They can't help but certainly make you feel loved!  Enjoy the photographs and your summer, Fox family!