Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ben + Rachael

I was so blessed to share Ben and Rachael's wedding day with them.  Ben was the best man in our wedding and is one of my husband's oldest friends.  Sharing the entire day with Ben as he committed himself to Racahel is a memory I will always cherish.  Ben and Rachael were married at Grace Church.  The beautiful ceremony was officiated by Ben's father. The celebration continued with an outdoor reception at Kensington Park.  The entire day was completely relaxed and overwhelmingly full of love.  Ben and Rachael are a one of a kind couple and Ted and I are so thankful to have them in our lives. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Kiafoulis Family

I had a wonderful time meeting and photographing the Kiafoulis family earlier this summer.  What a picture perfect family that sure made my job easy!  Even though their son was eager to get to his birthday celebration that afternoon he was a great sport and laughed and enjoyed the time right along with his sister and parents.  I look forward to seeing you again Kiafoulis family! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mazzorana Family

Loved being able to see and photograph some of my newest family members! These little guys are getting bigger and along with that developing bigger and absolutely hilarious personalities.  Thank you for making me smile as much during this shoot as all of you had to! Looking forward to seeing you again soon, cousins!