Monday, July 30, 2012

Fox Family

One of my favorite things about being a photographer is the opportunity to photograph families from one year to the next.  I was able to photograph the Fox family for the first time last summer and oh my how everyone has grown this past year.  The twins are little people instead of babies and their older sister is just as talkative and friendly as can be.  Hope to see you again next summer, Fox Family!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Strom Family

Welcome to the world, Ella!  I was so glad to finally meet this little one and to see how much her big sister has grown up.  What a lucky little girl Ella is to have Avery as a sister and playmate, and to have such an amazingly loving family.  I feel blessed myself that my life has become intertwined with this fantastic family.  See you again soon, Stroms!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Tanana Family

I had the pleasure of photographing the Tanana family last year during their family vacation in Grand Haven.  I was lucky enough to join them again this year for some family photographs on the beach.  All of the little ones did such a great job and the family continues to grow!  I so enjoy watching the cousins interact with each other and seeing how much each of the grandchildren absolutely adores their grandparents- too sweet!  Hope to see you all in the same spot again next year!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I have had a blast watching these two little girls grow up over the past few years.  It is so nice that I have had to the chance to meet some of their cousins, too.  The family is growing and this year there was a new little one to photograph.  Congratulations!  I am already looking forward to the next day we get to spend at the park together!